Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Media Wrap-up *Updated*

Does a wedding blog self destruct after the wedding? No, silly. It's 2013 and we have the internet. Nothing ever goes away. Now that there have been a lot of I dos, we are reaping the benefits of everyone having smartphones and seeing all the lovely pictures and videos. Here's a little wrap up of what's been published thus far. As more become available, we'll post them here as well.

Shanna (and Will)

Shanna and Will Exchange Vows
-Yes there is a mention of the band Tool. You're welcome.

Shanna & Will's Love Song Flash Mob
-Courtney really outdid herself. Thank you to all my silly singing friends and family.

-Courtesy of Milestones Photography. Dave is amazing. If you don't already know that, you should.

Our WedPics Album
-This has been a great way to share pictures day of and in post. This comes with a high recommendation from me, but careful of your data usage on the mobile side. A few people had issues. 

See what happened on Twitter. #RedWhiteIDo
(You don't have to be a user to see this.) 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fun ways to share in the fun. Oh fer fun!

For all of you who may have a smart phone, we are working in ways that everyone can share in the wedding fun. 

First off, Shanna's favorite: Twitter!
For those that tweet, the official hashtag of the wedding and all associated festivities will be...


Second, Pictures! If you like taking pictures with your (smart)phone, there's an app that allows you to share your pictures with everyone in attendance. Download the app WedPics and use the  "RedWhiteIDo." It's all free and you can see everyone's pictures in real time. Even log into the site after and order real prints if you want.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Engagement Pictures

Everything seems to be happening at the last minute, but loving all the fun of getting RSVPs in the mail and hearing about everyone's travel plans. So excited to see many of your faces. This being said, who wants to see more of Will and my faces? Of course you do. Over Memorial Day weekend, Will and I did a photo session with Dave Artnson of Milestones Photography. We all cracked each other up the whole time and had a blast. So excited for Dave to share his photo magic with our wedding.

Here's a peek.


I'm the luckiest gal in the world.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Save the Date Responses Still Needed

The responses we've gotten so far have been great! I'm loving the song suggestions, Rick Rolls, questions and puns. But you know what? We haven't heard from all of you. If you haven't yet, please respond by April 30th so we can get invitations out and you can put them on your fridge and stare lovingly. I know I will. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Much love and fireworks,

P.S. We'd love to hear from you on any questions or fun comments, so please pop over to the Guest Book page and sound off.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Accommodations Update

Word on the street is there's a Jehovah's Witness convention the same weekend as our wedding. If you're still working in your travel plans, we would advise getting hotels booked as soon as possible.

Please contact Will or me if you have any questions.

Even though it's snowing tonight, I'm promising no snow by the 4th of July!